joi, 9 august 2018

FACEBOOK .RO joacă pe faţă de partea PSD

Această fotografie încalcă Standardele comunităţii noastre


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Răspunsul tău
decizia de a siuspenda contul pentru 30 de zile din cauza colajului in discutie este profund incorecta si nedreapta ...Suspendati conturi doar pentru ca niste pesedisti cretini dau report fara o minima verificare ...."cine misca , misca in brisca "e un proverb popular din Maramures iar "gata s-a umplut paharul . vom iesi pe strazi cu parul , cu sape , lopeti si coase , va fi rupere de oase" e o preluare din presa vremii anului 1907 cand a avut loc rascoala schimb nu suspendati conturi ale celor ce au postari cu injurii sau cu tenta rasista desi vi se raporteaza astfel de cazuri .Aplicati sanctiuni discretionar si arbitrar , e suficient sa se coalizeze in mod concfata de PSD ertat un anumit numar de troli ai PSD Si dau report obtinind blocarea unor useri ce deranjeaza prin pozitia lor critica fata de PSD.Sincer , am anticipat suspendarea de cont tinind seama de faptul ca maine are loc marele miting impotriva PSD. Facebook Romania joaca deja pe fata ]n echipa PSD .....

the decision to suspend the account for 30 days due to the collage in question is profoundly incorrect and unjust ... Suspend accounts just because some Christians give a report without a minimum check .... "who moves, moves in the bersca" is a a popular proverb in Maramures and "ready to fill the glass. we will go out on the streets with hair, with digs, shovels and sews, it will be breaking the bones" is a takeover from the 1907 press when the peasant racketeering occurred. those who have injured or racially motivated posts, even though you are referring to such cases. Apply discretionary and arbitrary sanctions, it is enough to coax the PSD with a certain number of PSD trolleys and give the report the blocking of some users which disturbs their critical position towards PSD. In the meantime, we anticipated the account suspension, considering that tomorrow there is a big rally against PSD. Facebook Romania is already playing on the PSD team
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